Thursday, October 28, 2010

Judge in Brazil Orders McDonald's to Pay Former Employee $17,500 Because McDonald's Made Him 65 Pounds Heavier

There are very few nations in the world without McDonald's. North Korea has no McDonald's. I don't know if Iraq now does.

I do know Brazil has McDonald's. For at least a dozen years.

A 32 year old Brazilian man worked at McDonald's in Brazil for 12 years. He worked his way up to being a franchise manager.

The 32 year old Brazilian man gained 65 pounds during his years of service to McDonald's. The man blamed the weight gain on being forced to eat McDonald's food every day to test for quality, so nothing bad was found by McDonald's "mystery diners" who randomly drop in on McDonald's to make sure everything is up to McDonald's high standards.

The man also attributed some of his weight gain to the free McDonald's food offered to employees.

I know how tempting free McDonald's food is. I have relatives who have exposed me to the temptations of free McDonald's food. I have never thought of suing McDonald's for making me fat from the free food.

But, the 32 year old Brazilian man did. Think of suing, I mean.

This past Tuesday, in the Brazilian town of Porto Alegre, Judge Joao Filho signed a ruling against McDonald's and in favor of the former McDonald's manager, granting the man $17,500, due to the 65 pounds of weight gain brought courtesy of McDonald's.

McDonald's has yet to let it be known whether or not they will appeal the case.

Methinks McDonald's should pay up and make as little noise as possible, lest this suing McDonald's by fat employees turns into a global trend.

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