Saturday, November 13, 2010

215 Million Overweight Chinese Enjoying Kentucky Fried Chicken

America may have the world's highest percentage of overweight people. But China holds the title for the most overweight people.

As in there are around 215 million overweight Chinese.

There are only 310,697,641 Americans, in the most recent estimate. There are 1,340,590,00 Chinese.

I remember when I was a kid being told to clean my plate because there were starving kids in China who would love to eat what I was not eating.

I remember when China had famines, with Chinese starving to death.

And now, in 2010, China exports food to the United States. I have Chinese garlic in my kitchen. And Chinese scallops.

American food has made its way in to China. This may explain some of the Chinese weight gain. Many of the American fast food joints are now operating in China. Like McDonald's and KFC.

The Chinese have really taken to Kentucky Fried Chicken. More so than McDonald's. KFC outlets outnumber McDonald's by a 3 to 2 ratio in China.

KFC is opening around 250 new restaurants a year in China. The Colonel has expanded from the Big Cities out to the Chinese hinterlands, with equal success.

A bucket of Kentucky Fried Chicken does not seem cheap to a Chinese budget, but for some reason KFC is fashionable with the Chinese. When a new KFC opens it is swarmed with customers, to the extent that security guards are always required to control the crowd.

In the below YouTube video you will see a news report about the Chinese Obesity Epidemic. Including a shot of Chinese walking past a Kentucky Fried Chicken outlet.

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