Saturday, January 29, 2011

2011 New Year's Weight Loss Resolution Week 4: Down to 196 A Week Before the Super Bowl

I missed my goal of 195 by one pound this week. I now have one week to get to my Super Bowl goal of 190.

Shrinking is seeming slower this time from the last time I went in to shrinking mode.

This seems odd to me, due to the fact that I believe I am being way more active than I was the last time I did some major shrinkage.

Maybe the shrinkage slowdown is age-related. I believe I have read before that the older you get the more difficult it is to lose weight.

I continued with the high protein, extremely low carbohydrate mode of calorie consumption this week. I will continue with the modified Atkins Diet routine this week. And probably the week following that.

I may run into some trouble this week if I find myself invited to and going to a Super Bowl Party, which may happen, what with my current place of residence being just a few miles from where the Super Bowl location in the Dallas Cowboy Stadium.

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