Saturday, January 1, 2011

Getting Fit At Any Age Including 50 & Above

A few days ago someone close to me lamented that her goal to get fit by the time she turned 50 in February of 2011 had gone awry after doing so well, due to several buffets in Las Vegas and a return to her home location and continuing to eat too much and exercising too little.

I opined that though there may not be enough time to get fit and lose the weight you want to lose by the time of your half century birthday, you could make your 50th year the year you get fit and lose the fat, if you so choose.

I have some empathy with the gaining weight problem. I have found myself having that problem more than once. And then I take the weight off. Like I am doing right now, even as I type.

Getting in shape and getting fit is fairly easy, in my opinion. You just have to make up your mind to do so.

Go on a walk, each and every day. Soon you will find yourself looking forward to it.

Work up to being able to go on a hike, up hills.

If not walking find something else.

If you think you drink too much alcohol and that this is impeding your ability to get fit and not fat, well, cut back. You don't need to go cold turkey, just cut back.

If you are nutritionally ignorant, educate yourself. There is plenty of info out there as to what one should or should not eat. What is healthy and what is not. You do not need to starve yourself to lose weight, you just have to eat right.

If something as bad as smoking any of the things people smoke is keeping you from being fit, you really should stop. You may need help to do so.

If you have access to a swimming venue, swimming is a real good way to get fit.

To keep on track to getting fit you have to find a way to make it fun. As in find physical activities you enjoy. And do them. Whether it is swimming, walking, hiking, biking, golfing, basketballing, baseballing, weight lifting, gardening, roller blading, skiing or walking up and down stairs or any other activity that requires you to move your body.

Just do it. And then do it again. And in between doing it, eat well and eat less.

By the time 2012 rolls around, and you know it will roll around very quickly, you will be fit and be very happy that you are.

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