Tuesday, January 4, 2011

How To Break Free of the Dreaded Diet Plateau

I have reached that point everyone reaches when trying to lose weight.

The Dreaded Diet Plateau.

Weight reliably drops. And then suddenly stops dropping. Still eating less, exercising more. But the weight loss stops.


The "Plateau Effect" is a big motivation killer for a lot of people. It really should not be. It is just part of the way dieting works, what with the human body being amazingly adaptive, working hard to keep some sort of balance, or equilibrium, not letting you waste away.

If you don't feel like waiting out the Diet Plateau, there are ways to get your body back in sync with what your mind wants it to do. As in shrink.

1) Add muscle. As in do strength training, building lean muscle mass, boosting your metabolic rate. (I already to the strength training thing, so this is not my plateau excuse)

2) Change when you eat. And the amount you eat. Try more of a foraging eating style, fooling your body into not thinking you are starving. (I already do this)

3) Change your nutrient intake. As in, switch it up. One day eat a lot of protein and few carbos. The next day reverse it. (I have not tried this)

4) Vary your calorie intake. One day take in 1,000 calories, then the next day 2,000. Don't stay to a rigid pattern of a certain amount of calories a day. If you do, your body will try to slow your metabolic rate to that caloric intake level. Mix it up. (I have also not tried this)

I think you can see the pattern here. To break out of, or never suffer a diet plateau, change up your routine, don't stay static and your weight won't stay static.

Now, I need to go take my own advice to break out of this 212 plateau I am stuck on.

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