Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Observing The Amazing Struggles of the Amazingly Obese.

I have blogged previously about observing the feeding habits of the only two morbidly obese people it has been my displeasure to observe up close.

That pair of morbidly obese people was one of each gender. Of the female of the pair I also observed the incredible difficulties carrying that much girth caused whilst attempting the most usually easy of activities.

For instance, getting out of a car, the obese person you see in the picture has to grab hold of the side of the car above the door, then rotate her torso to get her legs outside the car. And then with great effort pull on the door jam to yank herself into a vertical position.

How does one get to the point where that is what one goes through to get out of a car? Is it a gradual thing? Or is it just one day this is what you have to do to exit a vehicle?

From a sitting position on something like a couch, to get vertical this particular obese person would rock back and forth, gaining momentum, til enough momentum is gained to make one final rock forward into a vertical position.

If you are sitting on the couch, beside the rocking obese person, it can be quite a bumpy ride until verticality is achieved.

Once verticality is achieved this particular person will stay vertical for long periods of time, due to once that position is achieved it is easier to stay vertical than to sit down again.

An entire phone conversation, like the one you see documented in the photo, will take place while firmly planted to one location, This can go on for an hour. Or more.

The most horrendous incident I witnessed, courtesy of this particular obese person, was in a McDonald's in Gig Harbor, Washington.

There was a round table with 4 stools surrounding the table. Both the stools and the table were bolted to the floor. The obese person approached the table and stools with her bag full of 3 Quarter Pounders with Cheese, 2 Large Fries, 2 Apple Pies and a Chocolate Shake, sat the food on the table and then proceeded to try and get on a stool.

It was a stool that really was not all that far off the ground. Obviously, it was McDonald's, do you think McDonald's is going to have some sort of stool requiring gymnastic ability to mount it?

So, the obese person first tried to get on the stool via conventional means, but she could not lift her heft high enough to get on the stool.

And so she leaned forward and grabbed the end of the table, pulling hard to try and lift her heft on to the stool. Completely unaware of what a disturbing spectacle this was making for the rest of the fast food diners.

The table began to quake. I realized that the amount of torque her considerable mass was exerting on the table's grounding bolts would soon rip them from the floor.

I yelled, STOP it! You're gonna pull the table over.

We then moved to a regular booth where she was able to squeeze herself in between the table and the bench and blissfully consume her bag full of McDonald's goodies.

The McDonald's Table Incident etched itself deeply into my sub-conscious and regularly surfaces in various iterations in nightmares during the past 2 and a half years since the McDonald's Table Incident occurred.

My observers on the scene tell me that this particular obese person has increased by at least another 100 pounds since the McDonald's Table Incident of 2008.


1 comment:

  1. Nothing does my clogged heart more good than a good story about fattitude. The fatling you describe is a real heroine.

    McDonalds is becoming less and less fat friendly. They should have lift chairs so that fatling will not have exert themselves standing and sitting.
