Thursday, October 28, 2010

The Lament of the Skinnies Unable to Become an Upholstered Woman

Someone calling him or herself Anonymous made a couple amusing comments to yesterday's blogging about the man boobs epidemic and Tom Cruise's lumpiness..

Anonymous used the phrase "Lament of the Skinnies."

I had never heard of the Skinnies before. Apparently there is a silent forgotten minority out there who can eat all they want of whatever they want, defying metabolic logic, by never being able to pack on a pound. No matter how hard a Skinny tries.

I also have never heard the term "upholstered women" before. I inquired of Anonymous as to what that meant. Upholstered women are plus-sized women.

Below is the first comment from the Skinny Anonymous. You'll have to go to the blogging about Tom Cruise's man boob lumpiness to read the other Anonymous comment.....

Lament of the Skinnies. Tom's lumpiness is probably due to liposuction.

As a lifetime skinny, I envy you who think a weight loss will solve all your problems of body image and life issues. Noticed is your preference for upholstered women--you all suffer from mass psychosis...that a weight loss will solve your or many of your problems. Not true. We skinnies are left to contemplate our mortal souls while you fatties are left in a safe place with a perceived clear life line of from A to B to achieve nirvana. It pisses me off--heard it all my life; your life is not going to change with man boob reduction and size 34 jeans. Believe me. 

Eye Rolling Life Long Skinny Person.

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