Friday, January 7, 2011

2011 New Year's Weight Loss Resolution Day 10: Down to 208 Past the Diet Plateau

Well, my good night's rest was interrupted by multiple liquid voidings which had me assuming I was losing the accumulated water weight acquired during the first Diet Plateau of my current New Year's Resolution to shrink to 180.

I do not know if I am on target, or not, to get to 190 by the time of my scheduled Super Bowl Party of February 6. That is 18 pounds from now.

My current Super Bowl Party Plan is it will be Mexican themed. I don't know if that means tequila will be in the house, or not.

I did my regular weight/yoga routine this morning prior to my regular breakfast. I am currently scheduled to go hill hiking around noon, prior to lunch. Which will be something made from tuna today.

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